As a Christian School we seek to follow the teachings and example of Jesus. The structure of our Collective worship is taken from the Diocese of Canterbury. In our daily collective worship we gather together, and enable children to engage with the Gospel and Bible stories. We encourage children to become actively involved with leading collective worship, through songs, music, prayer and drama. We enable children to deepen their spiritual life by giving them time to reflect and respond to the message they have heard. We send them back into the school and wider community with the expectation that they will seek to apply what they have learned.
Acts of worship are led by senior leaders, class teachers and children. Children are supported in planning the worships by the teachers. Reverend Melissa leads whole school worship every Thursday afternoon. Key stage 2 worship leaders write and plan worship for classes every Wednesday. On occasions, we may also have visitors come in to deliver and share worship with us.
Click here to find out more about our Collective Worship Leaders
Collective Worship is planned for by the member of staff leading Worship. The theme for the Worship is the same for the whole week. Worship links to our school values, Christian festivals and key important dates in the Christian calendar.
Parents are entitled to withdraw their child from Collective Worship if they wish, however, we urge parents considering this option to speak with the Headteacher, prior to the admission of their child into Charlton.
Saying prayers together is an important part of everyday life at Charlton. We say different prayers at different times of the day. During worship we also encourage the children to make up and say their own prayers so that they recognise that they can have their own conversations with God whenever they like – these often go along the lines of: thanking God for something, saying sorry for something and asking for help.
Our School Prayer:
This is our school
Let peace be here
Let the rooms be full of happiness
Let love be all around us
Love of one another
Love of all people
And love of life and being.
Let us remember that as many hands build a house
As many hearts make a school.
Dear Lord, be with us in our school today,