Wellbeing Award
Here at Charlton C of E Primary School, we value the health and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff so are excited to announce that we have achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools, administered by Award Place, in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau.
This award has supported us to develop our work in promoting positive wellbeing and mental health for the whole school community and gain accreditation for the work we do. It ties in with our school vision and strategy.
About the Wellbeing Award
There are eight objectives within the Wellbeing Award Framework, containing several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set out within each. They have a focus on ensuring effective practice and provision was in place that promotes the emotional well-being and mental health of both staff and pupils. The award enabled us to develop these practices where necessary and help us to ensure that well-being is embedded in the long-term culture of our school. It will help us to create an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.
With this award, we will demonstrate our commitment to:
Please find our certificate of achievement below.
The document attached provides a range of links and websites to support you and your child's wellbeing. We are also fortunate to have a Family Liaison Officer, Andrea Charlton, and a SENCO Amy Moat, who are happy to provide guidance and support on a range of matters. They will be able to signpost you to local services also. Please contact them via the school office and they will be happy to help.
Emotional Wellbeing Team (EWT)
We are exited by our partnership with the NHS EWT. They are supporting our pupils by providing bespoke workshops in school and some 1:1 support sessions for children and their familea. Parents are also offered online information and support sessions covering a range of topics. These will be sent out via email to you when they are available.
Please see the letter below for further information.
Wellbeing Champions
Wellbeing Champions have been appointed to take an active role in planning and delivering school Wellbeing events. Our staff wellbeing champions are Sally-Anne Hanson and our pupil wellbeing champions are Amy Moat, Chantelle Hazelden, Kylee Kew and Andrea Charlton.
Kylee Kew is our ELSA and information can be found on her ELSA page:
We introduced the Wellbeing Award to the children by hosting an assembly focussing on the '10 a day' choices for mental health. These posters are also placed around the school.