
Charlton Church of EnglandPrimary School ‘Transforming lives through God’s embrace'

Our Values:








Welcome toCharlton Church of EnglandPrimary School ‘Transforming lives through God’s embrace'





“Everyone should know how to programme a computer because it teaches you how to think. “– Steve Jobs (Apple Inc)


At Charlton we believe, a quality computing education is important to encourage children to think, be innovative, be creative and to understand change in the world. The fundamental skill of computing is computer science, where pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge through programming. Using this understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology effectively. It is important, for us as a school, to ensure children become digitally literate and to become patient with the process of coding and de-coding bugs in their algorithm.

We want the children to succeed to use, express themselves, develop and share their ideas effectively through information technology. Children are aware of the benefits and disadvantages of using technology and aware of what to do to keep themselves and others safe online. Keeping children safe online is very important to us as a school, we have adopted the phrase ‘Turn it off (the screen) and tell (a grown up)’ to remind the children of a strategy to use if they are faced with an online issue or emergency online that they may face. We are fully supportive of the UKSIC ‘Safer Internet Day’ collaborations, which enables educators to discuss and encourage children to think about the positives and negatives of being and online and share up-to-date methods to keep themselves safe, whilst they are using the internet. Our Purple Mash curriculum also encourages children to listen and to respond to the advice given to them during discussions about online safety. We also would like children to know the consequences for some actions, whilst using the internet, referring to their rights to being safe online (UNICEF), but to also allow the children to demonstrate a level of forgiveness and deeper understanding to some online safety issues they may face and resolve We also have designated ‘Digital Leaders’ champions who help to support safer internet use as well as collect relevant feedback from peers. The children have access to an AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) at the beginning of the year to ensure they know the expectations of using the internet and devices at school.


The major focus for teaching and learning throughout computing sessions is teaching specific skills.


In computing sessions, we ensure children learn specific skills such as:

  • Computer science (programming)
  • Computing and ICT (Information communication and technology)
  • Digital literacy (e safety)


Computing has deep links to maths, English, science, music and art. It provides insight to how technology is used around us and to be used instead of conventional methods such as using ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ to enhance the learning of timetables in maths session.

We hope with all these provisions in place we will equip the children with the vital skills they will need to use computer programs and equipment.


All information and policies regarding Online Safety can be found on our policies page. 

Click here to be taken to our policies. 




