At the start of the day, you will drop off your child at the main school gate.
This is the big green gate at the top of the drive way beside the school building and grass bank. You can access this by walking up Barton Road.
Your child will then enter the Duckling Class little side gate straight in front of them and will be supported by adults on the gate and class grown-ups to do this on their own.
The gate will open from 8.35am and will shut at 8.50am. If you are late, please go up the stairs, situated towards the right hand side as you are walking up the drive way, and the office staff will sign your child into school.
At the end of the day, the gates will open at 3.15pm, please wait outside the little wooden fence. We will release the children one by one until we have seen all grown-ups. Please be patient with us, at this point, as we always make sure the children are safe during this period of time.
School meals
A school menu will be available on the parent app or you can ask the office. School meals are free for Reception and KS1 children. Children do not have to have school meals every day as they can bring in a packed lunch. Please choose the menu options with your child so that they are prepared for their lunch.
Children under five years old are entitled to free milk everyday. We have already signed the children up for milk each day, however, once your child turns 5, and would still like to drink milk at school, you will need to reapply online and pay for the milk ( ).
If your child has a milk allergy please notify the office.
First Aid
If your child is injured during school time, a trained fist aid member of staff will administer basic first aid. A notification from medical tracker will alert you of this via email. In case of any emergencies, our first phone call will be to the emergency services. We will always contact you if there is an emergency.
Home Learning
Children in Duckling Class will be sent home some activities that are similar to those they are learning at school. These are optional activities that you may wish to complete with your child in order to support the learning in school. We do ask that parents read every night and support with phonics even if this is for a very short period of time.
Please make sure you name every piece of uniform. Please also familiarize your child with their uniform and their PE kit. We often find children struggle with shoe buckles, tights, buttons and socks. Please pack spare trousers/skirt, polo shirt, underwear and socks for your child in their book bag- just in case!
Please see the uniform page for more information