School uniform should be ordered online via our uniform supplier, Brigade.
We like our children to look smart so we expect all children to wear school uniform, clearly named.
Hair should be tied up if longer than shoulder length
No nail varnish or fake nails should be worn
Hoodies are only to be worn for PE sessions
Earrings should be small studs
School uniform consists of:
Brigade Website:
Book Bags and ties are available from the school office.
All children will need boots/trainers for games lessons as well as tracksuit bottoms and top/school hoodie for use during the winter months. Hoodies are only to be worn for PE sessions.
No earrings to be worn in PE/games. If children cannot remove earrings, they should come with their ear taped.
Hair should be tied up if longer than shoulder length.
No nail varnish or fake nails should be worn.
An old shirt or protective overall should be provided for art/science activities.